Product Sampling is one of the best marketing tools a brand can use to create a loyal consumer. If you have a great product and a consumer tries it and likes it, he or she may never consider other available options.
Sampling can add new consumers to your brand franchise each year! Sampling can get that new initiative off the ground in a flash. Product sampling can be expensive though, and that alone makes it risky.

SEA – Sampling Effectiveness Advisors, as the product sampling industry leader, will help you minimize sampling risk.
Did you know that there are over twenty decisions made in the course of developing a sampling program that could improve trial rates, optimize the effectiveness of your program, and provide a greater product sampling ROI (return on investment)?
Drawing on more than 25 years of experience, SEA can help you think through the “what ifs”. We eliminate many risks just by bringing these choices to light and assisting you in making the right decision.
Why risk investing samples in a program with poor sample controls? SEA can advise you on which programs will optimize your investment and SEA can advise you on ways to avoid sample waste and on which types of programs will optimize your investment.
Whether you are a brand marketer who needs guidance with improving consumer sampling results, a sampling vendor who wants to measure the results of your program, or a promotion agency wanting to maximize the return on a sampling program you are responsible for delivering; SEA as the promotion expert can help!
Our proven experience, along with our product sampling research and analysis, enable the development of cost-saving strategies that will give you results.
Click here for more information how we can help you with your sampling plans or contact us directly.
Sampling Effectiveness Advisors, as a promotion expert, helps you improve trial rates, minimize sampling risk, and improve your product sampling ROI (return on investment)by developing effective sample plans, providing product sampling tools and product sampling auditing. We demonstrate our industry expertise with product sampling research, product sampling white papers to educate our clients and the industry.